
Colorful Trnava sign with artistic illustrations on a sunny day in the city center of Trnava, Slovakia, with historic buildings and a church in the background

Day trip to Trnava

Day trip to Trnava: Discover Trnava, the Slovakia's Hidden Gem

Trnava, one of the oldest Slovakia‘s cities located just 50 km from Slovakian capital Bratislava. Situated in the Danube lowlands on the Trnava table, bordered by the Little Carpathian Mountains on the northwest. Trnava is also known in Slovakia as a “Little Rome of Slovakia” or “Slovak Rome” due to its numerous churches, Trnava offers a unique blend of medieval architecture and vibrant modern life. In time when Bratislava was a capital city of Hungarian Kingdom, Trnava was a seat of Esztergom Archbishop. Let E-TRAVEL.SK, the leading incoming tour operator to Slovakia & Central Europe.

street of Trnava with church and lively vibrant street life during day trip to Trnava

A Journey Through Time: The rich history of Trnava

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