
Day trip to Hronsky Benadik, Banska Stiavnica & Sklenne Teplice, Banska Stiavnica street

Day trip to Hronsky Benadik, Banska Stiavnica & Sklenne Teplice

Day trip to Hronsky Benadik, Banska Stiavnica & Sklenne Teplice is a good option for groups staying in Bratislava, this area is located just 2 hours drive from bus, from Slovakian capital Bratislava.

Hronsky Benadik

The small village Hronsky Benadik is located in Central Slovakia and it is well known thanks to very important Benedictine abbey, which played very important role in Christianisation of Slovakia and it was an important center of culture & education. It was founded by king Gejza in 1075. The abbey ceased operations during the 16th century in the course of Ottoman expansion in present day Hungarian kingdom.

Day trip to Hronsky Benadik, Banska Stiavnica & Sklenne Teplice, St. Benedic Basilica in Hronsky Benadik

Banska Stiavnica

Banska Stiavnica is the most famous and the most tourist visited towns of Slovakian Royal Mining Cities. Also the town is the oldest mining town of Slovakia located in southcentral Slovakia. Banska Stiavnica achieved its leading position among surrounding mining settlements at the turn of 12th and 13th century.  The golden era of the town is connected with Middle Age, from where the came from also the main highlights of Banska Stiavnica. During 18th century Banska Stiavnica was 3rd biggest city of  Hungarian Kingdom after Budapest & Bratislava.  From 1993 the historical city center of Banska Stiavnica is part of UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE. Banska Stiavnica is surrounded by the hills – Stiavnica Hills where is located a unique system of artificial lakes – Tajchy, which are highly effective system of water reservoir and canal system, and machinery for water-pumping, which helped to revitalize the production of ore and to advance the standard of mining in Banska Stiavnica. Now the lakes thanks to beautiful nature and quietness are very popular for water activities in summer. 

Sklenne Teplice

A small SPA town located close to Banska Stiavnica. Sklenne Teplice is one of the oldest Slovakian SPA town. A ratiry in Sklenne Teplice are its thermal springs of mineral water with temperature of 38-52*. As the thermal water contains a large amount of magnesium and calcium, the baths are predestined for the treatment of locomotive system, nervous disorders, and conditions after injury and operation. 

A uniqueness of Sklenne Teplice is a thermal bath so called Parenica – a thermal bath that enables visitors to bath in a cave with 42* war healing water. 

Day trip to Hronsky Benadik, Banska Stiavnica & Sklenne Teplice, Parenica Sklenne Teplice

Check also our short video about the day trip to Hronsky Benadik, Banska Stiavnica & Sklenne Teplice on our Youtube Channel.

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