
Caves of Slovakia

The underground of Slovakia is not boring at all. In the underground you can find more than 6200 caves, the most significant caves are open for public. Actually for the tourist are open 18 caves around whole Slovakia. Some of the caves are actually listed also on UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE LIST. Namely the caves of Slovakian Karst since 1995 and from 2000 year also Dobsinka Ice Cave.   

Ochtinska Aragonite Cave:

In the world there are just three for public open aragonite caves. One in Mexico, second one in Argentina and in Europe just in Slovakia. Located in East Slovakia represents unique natural phenomen drawing attention by the richness and variety of aragonite fill, some of them older than 138 000 years. The decoration of the cave remind the crystal. The Cave is part of UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE.

Domica Cave:

The best known and the longest cave of Slovak Karst National Park. Located in East Slovakia on Slovak – Hungarian border line. Except for important geomorphological features, it is interesting also thanks to  archeological findings. The cave was inhabited by the people back to 35 000 years. In addition to rich and beautiful sintra filling and cascade waterfalls, the visitors in case of high level of river Styx flowing thru Cave, experience also unforgettable sail on small boats. 

Gombasecka Cave:

Also part of UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE, located in East Slovakia, in Slovak Karst National Park. Consist of two levels, created by Black Stream. Underground temple of length 1250 m is famous thanks to occurrence of thin straw stalactites. 

Dobsinska Ice Cave:

One of the most important ice caves in Europe and also in the world. As compared with known high-mountain ice caves Eisriesenwelt and Dachstein-Rieseneishöhle in Austrian Alps or with the Romanian Scărişoara Cave in Bihor Mts., which has the glaciated part at elevations of 1,100 to 1,120 m n. m., the monumental glaciation of the Dobšinská Ice Cave persist for thousands of years at elevations only 920 to 950 m.

Demanovska Cave of Liberty:

Although this cave is not listed on UNESCO World Heritage list it is one of the most visited caves of Slovakia. Located in Low Tatras, close to Jasna SKI/ Summer resort. The cave was created thanks to Demanovka stream, flowing thru the cave. It has been captivating the visitors by its rich flowstone fill of various colours, magical flow of underground Demänovka as well as the charming pools for many years.

Driny Cave:

Located in Small Carpathian Wine Route, just 50 km from Bratislava. It’s only open cave for public in Western Slovakia a good idea for one day trip from Bratislava together with wine degustation in Small Carpathian Wine Road.  As compared with other show caves in Slovakia, where usually larger underground spaces prevail, it represents a system of narrow fissure passages, however with beautiful dripstone decoration.

The visit of caves are part of our various program such as Fly & Drive or Cultural Slovakia. For organize the tour to Slovakia, including visit of caves contact us at: [email protected]

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